A round-the-world tour to meet the ones who change things

Quentin Delvigne
Thibaut de Raikem

Thibaut and Quentin are two Belgian buddies who jump in a trip around the world like no other. Their goal : go and encounter people who try to change things. Being aware of our modern society foibles, they 've decided not standing by and are going to combine an adventure and a support project. Hence, in the various countries they'll cross, they will offer their skills in communication and marketing to support and highlight local humanitarian, social and environmental initiatives. 

Quick facts

45 countries crossed

The "fries" will take 2 years to achieve their world tour. Starting from Montevideo in Uruguay, they will cross America before flying to Australia then Asia and return in Europe.

A documentary series

Each local initiative they 'll support will be the opportunity of a documentary published on Youtube and Facebook. 30 episode are planned.

A video show

"Fries On Tour" is also an cultural and sporting adventure. Quentin and Thibaut are ready to take up the challenges that YOU could submit them. They'll share all that with the community each 2 weeks in a video show.

Quentin Delvigne

He works in marketing and communication, is fond of cinema and likes dreaming in the subway. He would like to puts his skills at the service of social and environmental actions.

Thibaut de Raikem

He is an entrepreneur, a travel fan and loves remaking the world over a drink. He aims to combine his passion for travel with his will to support causes that matter.

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